Abortion is Not a Normality
One of the paintings displayed at the "Abortion Is Normal" art exhibit in NYC.
We are at war.
No, this is not regarding rumors of a future war with Iran. This is a very different kind of war; one not of flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but with casualties both spiritual and physical. We are fighting a battle to save babies from being murdered in a modern-day practice of child sacrifice. In this war, we are now fighting the definition of what is even considered “normal.”
On January 9th, a disturbing “art” exhibit, Abortion is Normal, opened in NYC. As reported by LifeSiteNews.com, the exhibit features “nude photographs and paintings, figures bearing ‘Thank God for Abortion’ shirts, paintings of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and various simple displays of rudimentary written slogans and buzzwords, like ‘Choice’ and ‘Dear Judge Kavanaugh, if you don’t like abortions don’t get one.’ ” Organizers of the exhibit say that all proceeds raised from the sale of artwork "will fund voter education and advocacy specifically on reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood PAC efforts in upcoming 2020 elections via Downtown for Democracy."
Saying “abortion is normal” should be unthinkable. It would be like saying “rape is normal” or “slavery is normal.” This conversation should never have started, let alone be a huge art exhibit in NYC. The reality of this lunacy can be traced to man’s total depravity (Romans 3:23) and a testament to how far the unregenerate mind will seek to not only do what is wicked and evil, but encourage with hearty approval for others to follow in these damning practices (Romans 1:32).
So, while NYC is putting child sacrifice on display and attempting to convince those without Christ as a foundation that abortion is somehow normal, we must fight back. And we need to fight back now. Every abortion leaves one casualty (the child) and scars at least another two (the parents). This cost is too high to stay silent.
As we engage in war with the enemy on this matter, we need a clear strategy; a battleplan. First, we need to humble ourselves, turn to our God, and plead for His guidance in our prayers (2 Chronicles 7:14). We can’t follow God’s will without His direction, so we need to pray. The most effective weapon at our disposal along with prayer is the Word of God, and using the Scriptures, we can be positioned on the front lines preaching the gospel message.
The heartlessness in the practice of abortion is rooted in the fact that there are so many individuals walking around with stone hearts. They are walking dead and will sacrifice a child for selfish and worthless dreams. But we have to remember that we all started with a stone heart and it wasn’t until we experienced the grace of God and He turned our heart of stone to a heart of flesh, were we able to see sin for what is truly is (Ezekiel 36:26). As believers, we have been on the other side and need to remember others who are in a lost state.
Second, we need to “go.” Whether it is to go in front of an abortion clinic preaching the gospel or just handing out tracts, we need to be active. Whether we go and counsel those who are making decisions about what to do with an unplanned pregnancy or to go into the world of politics and put into place laws to abolish abortion, we need to be active. In this war, we can’t afford to be inactive and to be outdone by those who choose to do evil.