This article is a brief exploration of culture through two lenses. First, we will look at theologian Steven Bryan’s description of six possible responses to the challenge of multiple cultures in one sovereign polity. Then, we will discuss sociologist Phillip Rieff’s four stages of human culture.
Today’s political climate is the culture war between the conservatives and progressives, broadly speaking. While there is much nuance to the political issues and the varying positions, the idea of conservative versus progressive is a fine heuristic to use for the purposes of considering a few things about progressivism.
In Late August 2015, before President Trump was even elected to his first term, journalist Bret Stephens wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “If by now you don’t find Donald Trump appalling, you’re appalling.” Now, via the New York Times, he’s walking back that harsh stance taken towards Trump voters.
Today’s political climate is the culture war between the conservatives and progressives, broadly speaking. While there is much nuance to the political issues and the varying positions, the idea of conservative versus progressive is a fine heuristic to use for the purposes of considering a few things about progressivism.
Dr. Curtis Boyd is not only America’s most notorious late term abortion provider, who has performed over 250,000 abortions himself, he is apparently also a driving force behind the start of sexual content being delivered to children by the public school system.
On May 6th, an Army recruit went AWOL and proceeded to hijack a school and attempted force the driver at gunpoint to drive to the next town. "The kids were the ones that actually got the gentleman off of the bus, and they pretty much had my back as much as my concerns were with them. And at the end when they started questioning him, it seemed to have frustrated him…”
A nine-month old tiger named India was found wandering the streets of Houston, Texas on Saturday May 15th. The tiger was picked up by local authorities without harm to any humans or the tiger. India will hopefully be able to live out the rest of his days at Black Beauty Ranch in Murchison, Texas.
The Cuban Communist dictatorship stands today as one of the longest-lasting dictatorship in the world…. Even though Cuba, one of the last remaining communist nations in the world, cannot keep their finances in the black and its people suffer from privation of the most basic goods (such as food, medicine, and personal hygiene items) as well as an astounding disregard for human rights, it remains remarkably free of unrest.
The parent of a young student at a New York private school has published a scathing letter against the school’s implementation of Critical Race Theory into course curriculum….Why is a private school in New York City important? First, it shows us that people across the nation, not just in the Bible Belt, are sick of bad ideas that fuel racial tensions.
Culture is one of the hallmarks of what it means to be human. No other species develops and protects diverse ways of life, traditions, habits, foods, and practices like humans do. Indeed, nonhuman animals cannot even conceive of things as complex as culture. Of course, this is because humans are made in God’s Image. However, even the irreligious is forced to recognize man’s unique role and abilities.
I did not watch the Grammys this year, and chances are that you did not either. According to media reports, the estimated audience of the awards plummeted by more than 50% compared to last year. This is a trend that has been occurring across most other yearly award ceremonies (such as the Oscars or the Emmys) that held, not so long ago, a decent amount of prestige among the general public.
The fundamentalist/modernist controversy of the early 1900s is a significant recent event in Western (especially American) Church History. However, not many people seem to know much about it. The controversy and its ramifications will be briefly explained….The fundamentalists of the early 1900s are to be praised for their insistence on biblical authority and for their commitment to make biblical education more readily available. Nonetheless, like most generally positive movements or philosophies, there have been negative consequences.
C.S. Lewis, in his work The Abolition of Man, spoke against modernist education. He declared that modernism would breed men without chests – people so concerned with the scientific that they failed to cultivate virtue and thus gave into their most base desires. It seems today that society is plagued with both chest-less men and men with too much chest. The chest-less modernists have given rise to the all-too-chesty postmodernists.
“These times of uncertainty.” That was the catchphrase for 2020. It appears that the times of uncertainty continue in the political arena. Freedom loving Americans are scared about what a Democratic-controlled government means for the Country. If a Democrat government weren’t bad enough, the Big Tech overlords continue to try to influence Americans towards the ways of authoritarian leftism. These are serious concerns that need to be met head on.
When someone dies, it is never a good thing. To be sure, the ending of life is inevitable. For the Christian, death is gain. However, these facts do not make death good. There’s no way to escape it, some will gain from it, but death is a perversion of the design of God. Sometimes killing may be justified. Capital punishment and self-defense are examples. However, the good in these actions is not found in the killing. The good of capital punishment is justice and the protection of society. The good in lethal self-defense is the courage needed to fight and the protection of one’s family. Nonetheless, the killing is bad. It is not morally evil as just noted.
Dave Ramsey, who some have affectionately called America’s Uncle or Uncle Dave, came under fire for his remarks about $600 stimulus checks. Ramsey, on a Fox News interview, said that he does not support stimulus checks. He said: “I don't believe in a stimulus check because if $600 or $1400 changes your life you were pretty much screwed already.” You got other issues going on. Ramsey was accused of “poor-shaming” and many tried to cancel him. Being, the stubborn and outspoke person that he is, Ramsey did not cave to cancel culture. He responded to the criticism on his show with a classic Dave Ramsey rant.
Why is ‘race’ such a crucial issue today? Are you Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etcetera? Everyone (especially those on the Left) seems to be urging everyone else to ‘talk about it.’ “We need to have these tough conversations,” people say. “We need to bridge the gap between White and Black America.” (Forget about Asian America or Hispanic America. For some reason it always seems to come down to White versus Black.) However, it is the concept of different races which allows for racism in the first place. Thinking about race, at least in the way everyone seems to want us to, makes you more racist.
Natural philosophy was and is the use of philosophy to pursue knowledge and understanding of the natural world. Science is thought of as an improvement upon natural philosophy like modern pharmacy is thought of as an improvement upon strictly herbal remedies. However, science can mean several things. What follows is a brief description of each of the three proposed meanings of “science.” Then a distinction between natural philosophy and the philosophy of science is made. Finally, the case is made that natural philosophy, the philosophy of science, and scientific investigation are all inseparable and contingent on prior metaphysical values.
Wonder Woman 1984 is no cinema masterpiece. It has flaws, requires an extensive amount of suspended disbelief, and feels more like a fairy tale. Nevertheless, Wonder Woman was a fitting end to, by most accounts, a rough year. While Wonder Woman is certainly a mythological-type hero (after all, she’s an Amazonian), the film itself does not focus on the long-term consequences of the plot. In this sense, Wonder Woman 1984 depicts a modern mythological character in a fairy tale story.
When I said conservatives need to engage in the Arts, I wasn’t playing around. However, there are times when engaging the Arts requires playing around - block by block. You do not have to be a Master Builder in order to appreciate LEGO video games.
Recently, the author was tested for covid-19 since he was around his father who tested positive and showed symptoms. On Saturday (11/16), he received an email from the pharmacy (a Lubbock, TX CVS) where he got the test: NEGATIVE. Praise God, he thought. After, he received a very confusing phone call…
Recently, the Oxford English Dictionary updated the words “Man” and “Woman.” Previously, Woman was defined as “a man’s wife, girlfriend or lover.” It has been changed to mean “a person’s wife, girlfriend, or lover.” Similarly, Man has been changed to mean “a person’s husband, boyfriend, or lover.”
In America, when someone says, “I’m a Conservative,” the hearer most likely assumes the context is political in nature. However, American Conservatism is not merely a political position; Conservatism is a worldview.
What is mental health? Simply put, it is the component of health that deals with the mente or mind. However, mental health is a very broad, holistic, and sometimes vague topic. The rational mind is not the only component of mental health, or else emotions would not have such a prominent place in mental health discussions.
If there is no ultimate justice, then the greatest judgment Epstein received was an earthly punishment dealt out by imperfect judges.
The editors at CRIT-LARGE have found the five best face masks on the market to help you combat COVID-19 in style this summer (and maybe for eternity)!
Chernobyl is based more on fiction than fact with nearly all of the most memorable scenes being a misrepresentation of the truth or a complete fabrication.
The recent events… in Spain and elsewhere are a prescient warning as to some of the dangers that lie ahead in adopting the practice of euthanasia. Of course, it’s not what people envisage “dying with dignity” being like. But it’s a horrific example as to what many people rightly fear will ultimately take place if legal safeguards are removed.
First, chairs were put up at local coffee shops, as Texas Governor Greg Abbott suggested that only 50 people should gather all restaurants and bars. As the coronavirus situation became more desperate, bars were closed and restaurants were limited to drive through or pickup only. Now, beginning at 5:00 PM on April 7, all Texas State Parks and historical sites will be closed, per a press release on the State of Texas website. “Given the myriad of challenges and heightened risks of operating the parks at this time, we believe this is the best course of action right now in order to meet the health and safety expectations the state has set out for the citizens of Texas,” said Carter Smith, Executive Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
A high school girl’s track runner, Chelsea Mitchell, spoke out against the increasing tendency to allow biological men to compete against women in high school sports. Mitchell said that allowing transgender women (i.e., men who think they are women) to compete against women has been very harmful to both self-esteem and future college sports possibilities.