Posts tagged Christianity
Why Natural Philosophy is not Outdated

Natural philosophy was and is the use of philosophy to pursue knowledge and understanding of the natural world. Science is thought of as an improvement upon natural philosophy like modern pharmacy is thought of as an improvement upon strictly herbal remedies. However, science can mean several things. What follows is a brief description of each of the three proposed meanings of “science.” Then a distinction between natural philosophy and the philosophy of science is made. Finally, the case is made that natural philosophy, the philosophy of science, and scientific investigation are all inseparable and contingent on prior metaphysical values.

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"Babies Are Still Murdered Here": The Fight to Abolish Abortion

What national pro-life groups desire is a large, diverse group of followers who are simply trying to make moral arguments to end abortion. The cost of pleasing so many people of various backgrounds means refusing to call abortion murder or refusing to hold those mothers accountable who seek the murder of their child, as they don’t want to offend a large segment of their supporters.

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