Finally, An Honest Pro-Choice Ad

If there ever was a clear depiction of the pro-choice mentality, this would be it.

A few years back, the progressive political organization ‘The Agenda Project’ released a pro-choice ad supporting the abortion clinic, Planned Parenthood, that recently went viral. In the video, a baby is shown staring into the camera while the phrases, “She deserves to be loved” and “She deserves to be wanted” appear on screen.

For first time viewers, the ad appears to be pro-life. The baby, along with the affectionate phrases, points us in that direction. It’s what happens seconds later that negates all of this pro-life positivity as the final phrase appears: “She deserves to be a choice.”

The video is nothing short of vile.

For years, those on the political left have called babies in the womb a mere bundle of cells or an insignificant piece of tissue, capable of being disregarded at any time. In forty seconds, this video destroys all of that.  

Instead of arguing on the same foundation that built the pro-choice movement and gives it any credence (not by me), The Agenda Project opted for a more honest approach in arguing for the highly controversial act of abortion.

With one swift blow, the political organization did what all pro-choice advocates have steered clear of doing since Roe v. Wade, attribute human dignity to a “bundle of cells.”

Human dignity necessitates a right to life. No person has the right to dictate to another innocent individual the value of their life. It was immoral 150 years ago and it’s still immoral now.

As horrific and vile as this ad is, it should come as no surprise. Conservatives have preached this message for years, calling it a “genocide” against the most innocent lives among us. What should be a surprise is the blatant honesty of the organization to openly and unequivocally advocate for infanticide.  

It is a clear depiction of what pro-choice advocates truly believe, despite their unwillingness to say it.

Pro-choice or not, every individual should find this video horrifying.