Posts tagged suicide
Robbed of Dignity - Cuban Man Driven to Suicide by Communist State

When the declaration of independence was finally drafted and signed it immortalized a philosophy of governance that allowed for the birth of the most powerful, free, and just nation in history. This philosophy is the idea that government exists to serve its people and it derives its powers from the consent of the governed. This is what made me fall in love with the US and it is what makes it special. For most of the world this idea is disregarded.

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COVID Causes Euthanasia Conversation

The recent events… in Spain and elsewhere are a prescient warning as to some of the dangers that lie ahead in adopting the practice of euthanasia. Of course, it’s not what people envisage “dying with dignity” being like. But it’s a horrific example as to what many people rightly fear will ultimately take place if legal safeguards are removed.

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