Sugar-Coating: How Democrats Get Away With A Platform of Murdering Babies
Photo from Unsplash
It’s amazing how Democrats and the majority of the left try to sugar-coat the murdering of babies to mollify Americans. Even the word ‘abortion’ exists to sugar-coat what abortion actually is, the intentional termination of an innocent human being who has yet to be born. Abortion is wrong, abortion is evil, and abortion has been completely normalized by the Left.
The Left who constantly emphasize how this is the land of the free and everyone has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . but it seems that they do not extend that logic to a baby’s life. They do not get that opportunity. This isn’t the land of the free for them. For the unborn child this is the land of, “You better hope your Mom wants you because if Momma doesn’t want you, you may never get to experience what it means to be in a land which views life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as your basic unalienable rights.”
The womb can be a dangerous place for an unborn child. Depending on the state where the owner of that womb travels to, states like New York allow abortions all the way up until the due date all under the banner of “the right to choose.”
Pro-Choice New Yorker’s constantly deny this claim, but this isn’t what the New York Reproductive Health Act (RHA) elucidates; which was also signed by Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The Reproductive Health Act states in Article 25-A that every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion, pursuant to this article. The Reproductive Health Act also stated that women may choose to abort their child up to twenty-four weeks; at that point the baby is about 1.3 pounds and the size of cantaloupe.
Democrats can no longer argue that what’s being aborted at or after twenty-four weeks is just a clump of cells. It is obvious that what’s growing inside the mother’s womb at twenty-four weeks is a baby and Democrats are fighting for the right for a Mother to terminate the life of that baby.
In August, during the Democratic National Convention, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We are unleashing the power of women to take our rightful place in our national life by championing a woman’s right to choose and defending Roe v. Wade.”
Do not fall for the sugar-coated lies. Ask yourself, “How is the power of women unleashed by the championing of the murder of her own children?” What part of the murdering of one’s own child is a Mother to find worth celebrating? Many will say the act of abortion is empowering to women, but how is it empowering to women to take part in the ending of the life of her own child? What a sugar-coated lie!
The power of women is not unleashed by championing a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, but the championing a woman’s unique ability to give birth and raise the child which comes from her womb.
Calvin P. Kennedy Jr. is from Saint Louis, Missouri and is a Biology major at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Calvin enjoys competitive debate, wrestling, reading, and binge-watching Netflix.