Gilmer: Sanctuary for the Unborn

Supporters of Gilmer’s decision to outlaw abortion. Photo courtesy of Mark Lee Dickson

Supporters of Gilmer’s decision to outlaw abortion. Photo courtesy of Mark Lee Dickson

This article is part of a series on Texas sanctuary cities for the unborn. Read the rest, here.

Tonight we congratulate another bold city of Texas in standing up for the life of the unborn. Gilmer, Texas is the sixth city in the U.S. to ban abortion within its limits by city ordinance.

Gilmer is a town in East Texas, north of Longview with a population of over five thousand. In the 2016 election, Upshur county (in which Gilmer resides), was reported to be 82% Republican. Today, the city council voted by majority decision (four in favor and one opposed, with two absent) to outlaw abortion. The council stands in accurate representation of the wishes of the city’s residents; during the 2018 Republican primary, Upshur citizens voted nearly four to one in favor of a proposition abolishing abortion in the state of Texas.

Wavering only slightly from previous cities’ decisions, Gilmer decided to use the phraseology “safe haven for the unborn,” instead of “sanctuary city.” According to Mark Lee Dickson, the director of Right to Life of East Texas and author of the legislation, “The ordinance is not as strong as the ordinances passed in the previous cities, but it still accomplishes the goal of keeping abortion clinics out of Gilmer, Texas, which is a win for the City of Gilmer.”

Dickson went on to note, “The Gilmer ordinance does not outlaw emergency contraception within the city limits so abortions that are caused by the sale and distribution of emergency contraceptives will still [take place] in Gilmer, Texas.”

Cassie Hutton with her family. Image courtesy of Cassie Hutton

Cassie Hutton with her family. Image courtesy of Cassie Hutton

A resident of the city, Cassie Hutton, said of the issue of abortion: “Cities must get involved. If we want our cities to flourish and prosper, we have to consider the health and well-being of every individual. Abortion does not promote health and well-being in any way—it only causes trauma and leaves us with one less life to embrace and love.” She continued, “Every small beginning is a victory. If we want to see National change on abortion, it starts with the small beginnings and taking a stance, like we see in Gilmer, Texas.”

Hutton then gave a small part of her testimony, sharing:

“Having been through an abortion myself, I understand the emotional, physical, and spiritual damages abortion causes both men and women. I have sat through classes with women who share their stories and are still trying to heal from the wounds that abortion left them with more than 30 or 40 years ago. It took me 11 years to finally heal and begin speaking about my decision and experience.”

Cassie Hutton also has a book available for purchase, called, Finding Freedom: A Personal Exodus from Deception to Identity.

This movement for life and love is building and catching steam across the state of Texas. In the future, those whose lives were saved by measures like these will look back on these grassroots events in approval.

Special thanks also go to:

Melanie Wright, Hannah House Maternity Home
Cynthia Ridgeway, Upshur County Republican Party Chair
John Seago, Texas Right to Life
Katherine Pitcher, Texas Right to Life
Stacy McMahan, East Texans for Liberty
Mark Lee Dickson, Right to Life East Texas

Follow the Texas pro-life fight in our continuing CRIT-LARGE series, Texas: Sanctuary for the Unborn.