Tenaha: Sanctuary for the Unborn


Another courageous Texas community has made it clear to the rest of the state, and the nation, that the destruction of unborn human life is abhorrent to its residents. 

At around 6:15 pm this evening, the city council in Tenaha, Texas voted to include their town on the list of sanctuary cities for the unborn, making it illegal to perform an abortion within the city limits.

Tenaha is a small, but vocal city just 15 miles from the Louisiana border in East Texas. In the 2016 election, the city voted 79% Republican and 18% Democrat. It is the fifth city in the U.S. to pass an official ordinance protecting it’s most vulnerable members. All council members present voted unanimously on an ordinance that not only outlaws abortion but also makes it illegal to sell morning-after contraception within its limits. The measure does not criminalize mothers seeking abortions.

In an interview after the vote, Tenaha City Secretary Amanda Treat, gave a personal experience, relating to the vote: “I was 17 when I became pregnant with my first child. I was given an option because of my age… and I chose life. Had I made the other choice I would not have my child; I would not have the memories. The best thing [is] the excitement of seeing that child grow. Now he's 22, and I can't for one day think of my child not being here.”

Tenaha Chief of Police, Jeremy Pope, also agreed with the decision, stating, “Essentially, abortion, to me, is no different than murder, which is a criminal offense. Therefore, in my [personal] belief, abortion should also be treated as a criminal offense, murder, and those people be prosecuted for breaking such laws.”

Carrying the fight to these cities is Right to Life East Texas Director, Mark Dickson, who stated, “Tonight was about establishing justice at the city gates. Tonight was about saying you may [get an] abortion in Shreveport, or Waco, or Houston, but you're not going to [be able to get] abortions, ever, in Tenaha, Texas.” He continued, “Tonight is the night this council sided with the Word of God in affirming the truth... that life is sacred and worthy to be protected.”

Special thanks to other city officials that stood in support of the vote:

Stacy Cranford, Public Works Director
Michael D. Baker, Mayor

A great thing is done when communities stand up for what is right in the eyes of God. Continue to follow us at CRIT-LARGE in the fight against abortion, in our continuing series Texas: Sanctuary for the Unborn.