The New Sexual Frontier

One early morning in Greenwich Village, 1969, the Stonewall Inn was raided by police to end the then-illegal homosexual activity that the tavern was notorious for. Named “The Stonewall Riots,” this event is considered by many to be the beginning of the national “Gay-Rights Movement.”

At around the same time, in 1967, CBS released a documentary on homosexuality in which a poll from Opinion Research Corporation found that most Americans found homosexuality to be “more harmful to society than adultery, abortion, and prostitution.”

Today, the new face of the Gay-Rights Movement is the Transgender Movement. While there may have been “transgender” individuals for many decades, or even centuries, the “transgender-rights movement” has only recently come to the forefront of America’s civil-rights landscape, and it is quickly gaining traction in the West.

Transgender individuals have found a tolerant home within the permissive arms of the homosexual community, and they have banded together, as one is aware, under the ever-growing acronym banner “LGBT.”

In an effort to be inclusive to all, and fluid-aware of the current state of the movement, as I write this article (2018), the full acronym is “LGBTQQIAAP(UCT2PO).” After all, I don’t want to be accused of being an intolerant “cis” male and leave any person (or non-persons) out. This is real, people. (And no, that last part in parenthesis isn’t a Star Wars character.)

Can we take a step back and evaluate where we are? Can we pause and examine our political, social, and moral climates, and possibly – heaven forbid – look back at where we’ve been for a moment? Indulge me while I explain.

Within that 1967 poll there lies a truth about our society that has been ignored. While we all rush to embrace one civil rights frontier after another, in an effort not to be labeled “narrow-minded,” “bigoted,” or “hateful,” we have been simultaneously eroding the boundaries for acceptable behavior in a civilized society.

That truth is that Americans, and the western world as a whole, have effectively lowered their bar when it comes to acceptable sexual proclivities. Just ask postwar America. In essence, we have moved farther and farther left, so that the days of Sheriff Taylor are just a distant speck in the rear-view mirror.

Adultery, while not wholly accepted, is moving into less faux-pas territory. America overlooked Trump’s marital history during the election and Bill Clinton’s infidelities were excused by those on the Left until just recently.

Abortion is an even clearer example. A large majority want it, and they want it free. Just a few years ago, the Democratic party mantra was “safe, legal, and rare.” Now the platform on abortion has been contorted into “anytime, on-demand, and taxpayer-funded.” Prostitution? We all know where the red-light district is. Should it be legalized? Presidential candidate Gary Johnson seems to not mind the notion.

What else are we currently so close-minded on? What other hidden, sacred corner of decency will the “allies” shine their virtue-signaling, tolerant light on by, say, 2050?

Recently, a clothing company (specializing in erotic drag apparel) run by LGBT Activist Brandon Hilton, employed a nine-year-old boy, Nemis Melancon, to be the brand’s cover model. Both Elle Magazine and Teen Vogue posted photos of the boy in overtly-sexual, full drag, much to the joy of his parents and outlets like Huffington Post.

LGBT activists are celebrating the child’s actions as a bold statement of “self-expression.” There is no widespread outrage calling for the arrest and prosecution of the child’s parents, the drag venues that host this kind of behavior, or the perverted men in the audiences of these shows – excluding a few Right-wing outlets.

Simultaneously, following pedophilic allegations against Kevin Spacey and his subsequent admittance and apology, there have been those on the far, far Left (the fringe social change-makers) who have been making excuses for Spacey, even moving to defend him. Keenly knowing where the best chance of finding allies to protect and defend his behavior resided, Spacey made his retreat into the LGBT community, coming out immediately thereafter as “a gay man.”’

Yet again, at the same time, the Sundance Film Festival, the Golden Globe Awards, the National Board of Review, and the American Film Institute all praised the film Call Me by Your Name: a film exploring a gay man’s sexual relationship with his teen-lover.

Between silent but rampant Hollywood abuse including Weinstein and Spacey, “edgy” films praising sexual deviancy, and LGBT advocates applauding child abuse and pedophilia via Melancon – how do we objectively define what “sexual abuse” is? What is the baseline of acceptable sexual behavior? The bar is being lowered, and our social standards of decency are being eroded-away by the Left. It would seem nowhere is safe from the movement.

The Left, at this point, has not only established a tradition of supporting and exploring sexual deviancy, but is now moving to contort arenas of science and biology in an attempt to fit their narrative, but more importantly justify their sexual mores. Take actor Bill Nye. Touted as a “scientist” (in all specialties from climate to biology, mind you), Nye has moved his position to fit his party’s narrative. In 1996, when we knew how many genders there are, Bill Nye the Science Guy (season 4, episode 8) explained to children how chromosomes worked, and that there was a one-in-two chance of being born a boy or girl.

In 2017, Nye and Netflix have not only censored the episode to remove that information, but Nye now calls gender “a kaleidoscope” on his new Netflix series, Bill Nye Saves the World. Not just gender (which now has been definitionally separated from “sex”), but in sex-chromosomes he claims we see more combinations than “XX” or “XY,” which is blatantly untrue. This pseudo-science is on the same level as flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers.

The new DSM-V, the official psychiatric diagnosis guide, yielded to pressures from new, deviant social perspectives, changing the trans diagnosis from Gender Identity Disorder (GID) to Gender Dysphoria (GD); the latter being a downgrade from “disorder” to a more tolerant term, in an effort to remove some of the stigma. The diagnosis remains, as it is still considered a mental disorder, but nonetheless the Left has revised this science to fit an agenda.

If anyone who is born as one sex can claim or “identify” as another, or any sex or gender they define arbitrarily (adding seven characters to the LGBT acronym, including P for “pansexual,” meaning “all-gender sexuality”), where does it stop? There have been those who claim to be “transabled,” which is the belief that part of one’s body does not belong (or the belief that you have a disability, when you don’t).

There have been two people in the public eye that are “transracial:” Rachel Dolezal “identifies” as black, even though born white. The other, Adam Wheeler, renamed himself Ja Du after claiming he “feels” Filipino. Stefonknee Wolscht is “trans-age,” believing he is a six-year-old girl, despite being 52. These are all only fantasies, under the umbrella “trans.” (Should we note that these are all white people running to become minorities in order to enjoy their victim privileges? Better not.) What these are, also, are more and more ways to escape personal responsibility.

Also included within these delusional disorders are the “otherkins,” who identify spiritually or sexually to be something other than human, usually an animal of some kind. Soon, this may become a commonly accepted way of life as well. There is already a growing sect: These are the folks going to “furry” conventions and that you see wearing fuzzy tails and ears unironically in public. They will demand we address them not as “he” or “she” – not even as human – but “foxkin” or some such nonsense.

If Nemis Melancon, and the rest of the morally-relative LGBT community are simply “expressing themselves,” their “true, inner-selves,” who can deny them their lived experience? Who is to say what should be off-limits in loving, self-expression? Popular lines in the LGBT movement have been, “Love is Love,” or “born this way,” and #lovewins. The Black Eyed Peas asked in 2003, “why are there parts of love that don’t belong?”

If any sexual or immoral act can be justified under the banner of self-expression or innately-predetermined inclinations, who’s to say that anyone can’t have a sexual relationship with a member of the same sex? What about a child? A corpse? Will these things soon be protected under the mantra “Love is love?” Will there be those who will use the defense of self-expression in having committed rape? To what limits can “born this way” extend itself as a justification?

We are headed towards those outer limits. The “slippery slope” argument is justifiable. The Left and the LGBT movement will not stop.

In the past, the civil rights frontiers have all been movements towards positive changes, from Women’s Rights to African-American Rights. Now, in all our prosperity and boredom and pseudo-outrage culture, the frontiers have moved from civil to sexual. The gay-rights movement of yesterday, when 1967-America saw it as harmful and deviant, is 2018-America’s trans movement. What will 2030-America’s movement be?

What will be the new sexual frontier?

What will be the final sexual frontier?

Whoever still claims the banner of the LGBT movement – whoever resides under its privileges or provides its support – you have a responsibility to 1. Strictly define the limits of sexual morality, and 2. Protect children from the radical sect of your own community by speaking up and speaking out. Let me be clear, we have a personal and individual responsibility to speak out against child abuse and pedophilia, right now. Will you take responsibility in 2019 and beyond?

The place we find ourselves in modern society is a precarious one – teetering between science and delusion; reality and political correctness; decency and moral decay. In his 1993 novel Defining Deviancy Down, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan says it well: “The amount of deviant behavior in American society has increased beyond the levels the community can ‘afford to recognize’ and that, accordingly, we have been re-defining deviancy so as to exempt much of the conduct previously stigmatized, while also quietly raising the ‘normal’ level in categories where behavior is now abnormal by any earlier standard.”

If I, as a Republican (for all intents and purposes), can abandon and condemn Roy Moore for his sexual abuses, surely you can do the same on your side. As Americans, as good people, as Christians or as Atheists, we have a responsibility. We need to stand together, reach out, and help these hurting, broken, lost people. We need to stand together and promote a complete sexual reformation, for the hope and safety of our children and the future of our Nation.