The Left's War on Womanhood

The National Women’s Law Center reports that the number of women in the workforce is at a three-decade low. After about 275,000 additional women left the workforce in January 2021, female participation is at 57%, which is the smallest percentage since the late 1980s. What is causing this? Seemingly, tyrannical overreach of government. As federal, state, and local governments around the nation are keeping schools closed and cities locked-down, childcare has become a challenge for many parents who are also trying to manage a job.

Meanwhile, as women are struggling to stay employed, the Biden administration is attempting to destroy women’s sports. On his first day in office, President Biden showed that he does not value femininity nor the unique value of women. He signed an executive order which allows trans-women to participate in women’s school sports. This is, of course, unfair. People who generally have biological advantages in areas of physicality (men) now have federal endorsement to compete against women who do not have these advantages.

On February 10th, 2021, Disney fired Gina Carano, the actress who played Cara Dune in the hit Star Wars show, The Mandalorian. Why? Because she voiced conservative views and opinions. Imagine if a left-leaning woman were fired because of her worldview? Accusations of misogyny and sexism would be everywhere. (See the Daily Wire’s 10 Famous Liberals Who’ve Made The ‘Nazi’ Comparison But Weren’t Canceled for more information on the hypocrisy).

Abortion is touted as the only way woman can be equal with men. Yet, women are frequently denied a fair competition in sports. Furthermore, women are constantly told that to be a strong feminist, they have to be in the workforce and compete with men. Now, government overreach has led to millions of women being unable to do what the leftist culture wants them to do. All the while, being a homemaker is disdained by leftist feminism. The Left and government it controls do not care about women. They care about power and will destroy anyone who gets in the way. Progressives are degressive. Any woman, like Gina Carano, who challenges the Left’s narrative, is suddenly unworthy of the sacred rights that the Left claims women are so frequently denied.  

All this shows that the Left hates womanhood. The degressive worldview does not see the value of being woman, of having unique biological strengths (more than just sex organs). These people want to turn women into second-rate men. Gender differences may not always be black and white. Some differences are biological, some are social, and some are spiritual. However, to deny all differences and to make gender a matter of subjective identification hurts both men and women.

Women must stand up to the lie that they have to be like men. If a woman wants to be employed, that is great. If she wants to stay at home full-time, that is also great. Each woman, and each married couple, must figure out how to work out the biblical principles of marriage and gender in her own life. 

Men must stand up and fight. Why did sin enter the world? While Eve was initially deceived, Adam, who was most likely standing right by his wife, did not fight off the Serpent. Adam was charged with protecting the Garden (Genesis 2:15). He failed. As a result, he, his wife, and all their progeny suffered.

(See Ephesians 5:22–33; Titus 2:4–5; 1 Peter 3:1–7 for some discussion on marriage and gender.)

Mitchell D. Cochran is a family life educator, a financial coach, and a biblical counselor. He is the cofounder of Hope Initiative Consulting, LLC and is currently attending Calvary University for his M.A. in biblical counseling. Mitchell is active in local politics in Lubbock, TX, where he lives with his wife, Katherine.
