Lubbock, The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You: Allen West's Message at the Lubbock March For Life
“Lubbock, the eyes of Texas are upon you.”
On Friday, January 29th, 2021 Republican Party of Texas Chairman Allen West spoke at the Lubbock March For Life, an event organized by the Lubbock Area Republican Women.
The event took place outside of Planned Parenthood’s Lubbock Health Center and was organized for the purpose of uniting the pro-life community throughout the City of Lubbock to do their part to help make Lubbock a Sanctuary City for the Unborn through the passing of an enforceable ordinance which would outlaw the act of abortion within the city limits of Lubbock, Texas. The Lubbock Ordinance Outlawing Abortion will be on the ballot for a vote by the citizens of Lubbock on May 1st, 2021.
The following is a transcript of Chairman West’s message.
The Lubbock March For Life was a three part event that took place on Friday, January 29th, 2021 and Saturday, January 30th, 2021 in Lubbock, Texas.
WEST: I know something for a fact . . . I think I know how you guys will be cheering for in the Super Bowl! And when you think about the Super Bowl, this is our moment. This is our moment for standing up for one of the most important issues that we face in the United States of America. One of the most important issues that we face in the world.
Thirty years ago, right now, I was sitting as a young captain in the First Infantry Division in the deep desert of Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm. Let me tell you something about this word “abort.” Those of us who have served in the military as soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard, when we hear the word “abort” that means you stop a mission. But what we have allowed that word to become is that we end a life. I don’t want us to use that word anymore! Because we have so watered down that word. We have made that word so culturally acceptable. This is not about abortion. This is about ending a life. And when you think about soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, when we go into battle against the enemy, let me tell you something, any member of our armed forces that were to go in and desecrate a dead body of the enemy - to cut off their limbs, to sever them limb to limb, and then separate their head from their body, they would be sitting in Fort Leavenworth Prison. But yet, we are allowing the least of us to have forceps to go in and sever them from limb by limb and then separate their head from their body and we are supposed to say that’s reproductive health? We are supposed to say that is acceptable? We are supposed to say that is a right? I don’t care about the oil and gas industry, I don’t care about the cotton industry, as long as we don’t get this issue right this United States of America will never be blessed.
You see the name of this building over there? There are a lot of people talking about white supremacists. There are a lot of people talking about folks being racist, but the person who founded that organization was a white supremacist. She was a racist. She spoke at Ku Klux Klan rallies. She referred to black people as undesirables and weeds, but yet we have people who support this organization.
When I heard about this whole thing about Black Lives Matter my very first question that I asked was which Black Lives Matter? Because since 1973 Roe V. Wade, over 20 million little black babies have been murdered in the womb because of this woman who founded that organization. Over 70% of their clinics are located in black and hispanic communities because of that woman - a white supremacist and a racist. Have you ever heard of anybody talk about her? As a matter of fact, they have a bust of Margaret Sanger in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. That is what we have allowed in our culture to be.
The young lady came up here and talked about the 57,000 pre-born babies have been murdered in the state of Texas. The number one cause of death in the state of Texas is not car accidents. It is not heart disease. The number one cause of death in the state of Texas is the killing of our unborn children.
When you drive down the interstate highway you see the alerts about the amount of accidents we have had, but would you ever think about it if we were traveling down the interstate, Interstate 40 or Interstate 27 or Interstate 10 or Interstate 35, and it just said, “Thirty babies murdered in the womb in the last 24 hours.” People would go crazy!
You know we have all these commercials about “save the seals” and “save the baby whales” and “save the little poor puppies.” We got to go out and save the puppies . . . Have you ever seen a commercial about saving our own children? This is a deplorable state in which we are in, here in the United States of America.
And we need your voices, we need you to stand up city by city by city. That is how we do this and that is why you have got an incredible challenge. One of our legislative priorities for the Republican Party of Texas is to end the murder of pre-born children in the state of Texas.
Republican Party of Texas State Chairman Allen West speaks before a crowd in front of Planned Parenthood’s Lubbock Health Center at the first event of the Lubbock March For Life on Friday, January 29th, 2021.
We need you to call your state representative, to call your state senator. You have a great state senator here - Senator Charles Perry. You ain’t gotta worry about your state senator. But call your state senators and say, Texas, the Lone Star State, that everyone looks to to lead the United States of America, we should not be ranked as the twentieth most pro-life state. We should be ranked as the number one most pro-life state in the nation and say that we are not gonna allow murder of our unborn children in the United States of America. This is not about white people. This is not about black people. This is not about hispanic people or asian people. This is about our people, this is about all of our children.
Some people say that I’m a pretty tough guy. But y’all know what happened to me last May. Getting thrown from a motorcycle at 75 miles per hour and here I am. But let me tell you something. Last week I saw this little picture. I am going to be a granddad. And when I saw that little picture, I thought about this: Who? Who in their right mind, in their right heart, could go inside and cut this incredible gift from God apart limb by limb. See, we have to start talking about this in those terms. Because we have allowed people to think this is so comfortable.
If you are over where I live in Garland, Texas, if you’re coming across from Lake Ray Hubbard going into Garland there’s a billboard that is up - a billboard for the Satanists of America. The Satanists have a billboard up in the state of Texas that says “abortion saves lives.”
One of the people today talked about Joshua. In chapter 24 he said, “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” Are you going to serve a white supremacist, a racist? Are you going to stand up and serve with Satanists? Or are you going to stand up for our true God?
Our number one unalienable right comes from our Creator God and is stated in our Declaration of Independence. Unlike any other country or any other nation in this world - your unalienable rights do not come from man, they do not come from your government, and they do not come from the Supreme Court! They come from your Creator God!
And the very first unalienable right which we have is life itself and if we do not stand up and start speaking up for that very first unalienable right “for the least of these” our country will never be blessed. No matter how many times you say, “God Bless America!” No matter how many times you say, “God bless Texas!” It ain’t happening.
This is a defining moment for us to pass on to these little ones over here. So that one day they can know that, “My Mama and my Daddy, my Grandma and my Grandpa - They stood up and corrected a heinous evil and a wrong. That’s the challenge we have here today.
Lubbock, the eyes of Texas are upon you!
Chairman West’s statement, “Lubbock, the eyes of Texas are upon you!” was easily one of the most memorable quotes from the Lubbock March For Life. So far a total of eighteen cities throughout the State of Texas have passed enforceable ordinances outlawing abortion within their city limits. If the citizens of Lubbock vote to outlaw abortion by adopting the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn Ordinance on May 1st, 2021 then the City of Lubbock would become the largest city to have outlawed abortion within the United States of America and the first city to outlaw abortion with a Planned Parenthood facility.
For more information about the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn Initiative visit