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Honoring the Dishonorable

In America, there is no king. Certain officials may act in tyrannical and despotic ways, but forever ingrained in the souls of Americans is the idea of a government of “We the people.” Therefore, the words of the Peter the apostle sound foreign to us. “Honor the Emperor,” Peter wrote (1 Peter 2:17).  Even though we have no king nor emperor, we do have elected authorities.

When Paul was shamed by the Jewish High Priest, Paul openly reviled him. However, when Paul was told that he had just insulted the High Priest, he said, “Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people’’’ (Acts: 23:5). Paul, the Apostle of God, the second most influential person regarding the Christian Faith, apologized to a corrupt High Priest whose purpose had come to an end. The work of Christ fulfilled the Levitical priesthood (Hebrews 7:11). This High Priest no longer had a divine commission from God. Nonetheless, Paul apologized. He recognized that authorities deserve honor.

Now, this honor is not the authority’s doing. Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13). Therefore, we honor authority because God has instituted the State.  There is a time to resist government (Acts 5:29). However, even if government is resisted, we are to honor our opposition.  This is like a governmental application of loving our enemies.

This is comparable to our duty to honor our parents (Exodus 20:12).  We may have to oppose our parents. In some terrible, abusive circumstances, it is justifiable for a child to openly fight his parents. Nonetheless, the commandment to honor parents stands. Such is the same with other forms of government.

To be sure, there is honor that comes from actions (1 Peter 2:12).  That means there are two types of honor: The honor of station and the honor of conduct.  This explains why Christ is to be supremely honored.  He has the honor of station as God and King, but he also has the honor of conduct through his perfect life and love. 

As the 2020 election is still contested, the people in support of President Trump hold out hope for four more years of the Trumpian Era.  However, IF Biden were to win this election, Trump supporters must honor authority even if we dislike his policies–even if we despise him.

If Joe Biden becomes the next President of the United States, let us not be like the Left who refuse to honor President Trump as president and yet are too cowardly to openly revolt. If, God-forbid, we must resist, let us do so with honor and dignity, not with cowardice and selfishness. Christians are to give “honor to whom honor is due” (Romans 13:7). Remember, Paul honored a man who had no legitimate authority in God’s salvation plan anymore. However, the leaders of men, whether wicked or righteous, are to be given the honor of station.

The writer admits that he is not always consistent with his walk and talk.  Things have been said of authorities that ought not be said. Criticism (whether personal and political) can quickly turn into unjust venting and bashing. Christians must be humble enough to honor our authorities, yet bold enough to resist them. This is a hard, even paradoxical, task to be sure. There is a baby step to help us get on the right path: Prayer. Let us offer prayers to our Father on behalf of our authorities. Let us pray boldly that we might have the wisdom and courage to resist when the time comes.

Let us pray that justice prevails in the election. Even if it does not, let us pray for our leaders, even if they are evil.  Let us pray for the wisdom to resist the schemes of wicked men.