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Worship at the Golden Idol of Trump

“Let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” (Daniel 3:18). Regarding Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar’s decree to worship a 90-foot statue of himself, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s bold declaration was made more courageous by the cost of not bowing down; being thrown into a burning furnace.

Such bravery and tenacity to lean on God no matter the price seems to be lacking in the modern church. Although the political left has bowed down to progressivism on issues such as the LGBT and abortion agendas, this is not a political issue. The conservative or political right is guilty of compromise as well; they just have a different golden statue they worship, so to speak; a 90-foot golden statue of President Trump.

This may seem like a harsh accusation for my brothers and sisters on the right, but we need to address the difference between supporting a politician (no matter how much they benefit the church) and following God. Many conservative Christians have a very strong support for President Trump. However, he is not our king. Jesus is our King of Kings and the only one we follow. 

The alarming practice of blurring the lines between politics and religion is evident with the latest book endorsement by prominent conservative pastors such as Jack Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Franklin Graham of controversial, female pastor, Paula White. Along with all these religious conservative leaders who endorsed her, White happens to also be one of Trump’s spiritual advisors.

Many are shocked by the endorsement of pastors who, throughout their ministries, have been identified as orthodox believing, Bible-centered ministers. The advocacy of a female pastor, which violates the orthodox understanding of 1 Timothy 2:12, is unsettling for a great deal of conservative, Bible-believing Christians. White, who many claim is a proponent of the prosperity gospel due to her teachings that focus on material blessings, wealth, and physical healing, is not an individual these influential ministers should be advising their supporters to follow.

The theology taught by White is dangerous and heretical. She is on record denying the Trinity and making outlandish and unbiblical claims, such as saying in 2007, “Anyone who tells you to deny yourself is from Satan.” This is in stark contrast to Jesus’ teachings, such as in Matthew 16:24 where he said, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” This is unsurprising, considering her mentor and spiritual father is none other than fellow Trinity-denying, megachurch pastor, T.D. Jakes.

I implore my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to not follow any pastor, even the ones who have been historically, biblically conservative and instead follow the teaching as found directly in the Scriptures alone. The time has come for people to decide if they will bow down to the idols of the world. Regardless if those idols are rainbow-colored and progressive, or a golden statue of a conservative president, we need to reject all idols and follow the one Name that is worthy to be praised and worshipped; our Lord and Savior, the true King of Kings, Jesus Christ.